
Comprehensive Guide to Business Model Innovation Strategy

oinaime • Feb 22, 2022

What is Business Model Innovation Strategy?

If you’re trying to get ahead in the business world, it’s crucial to know how to improve your business model and innovate new business strategies that will keep you one step ahead of your competition.
But, what exactly does Business Model Innovation Strategy mean? What are some ways that businesses have innovated their business models successfully in the past?
This comprehensive guide to Business Model Innovation Strategy will give you insight into this growing trend and help you start to formulate new ideas of your own.


 What is Business model innovation?

Business model innovation is a set of activities and interventions focused on challenging and redefining existing business models. It can bring about radical changes in how companies operate, compete, and deliver value.
Organizations that perform well under one business model may struggle in another market environment or see their own success challenged by new players. Responding effectively to such challenges requires creative thinking—and that’s where business model innovation comes in.

Business Model Innovation Examples

As more businesses try their hand at rethinking business models, we’re seeing a wealth of innovation taking place. While many are working with existing products and services, some are exploring brand new areas, finding new markets, and developing entirely new products. In all cases, these innovators share one thing in common: they have taken an innovative approach to their business model.
While we may not be able to see what they’ve done with our own eyes—and can only experience them via a digital interface—it is possible for us to conceptualize how changes in business models affect both customers and producers. At its heart, that’s what business model innovation is all about: improving an existing business model by making some kind of change.
Today, there are two ways to innovate your business model: one way involves imagining new business opportunities (such as Airbnb did), while another way involves changing an existing market or industry (for example, like how Walmart did). Sometimes it makes sense to focus on creating something completely new; other times, you might want to work on improving upon something that already exists.

   How Business Model Innovation Works  

Before diving into how business model innovation actually works, it’s important to make a distinction between two kinds of innovation: incremental and radical. Incremental innovation is what most people think of when they hear innovation—to improve on something that already exists.
In business terms, incremental innovation means improving on an existing business model by making small changes in order to produce better products or services at a lower cost; for example, an automobile manufacturer might cut costs by reducing supply chain expense and outsourcing certain components.
But there is another kind of innovation—something we call radical or disruptive innovations, which radically change how we do things instead of just making minor improvements to existing processes. 

 Steps for Developing an Effective Business Model Innovation Strategy

Business model innovation is a major challenge in most organizations and has become even more important due to increasing pressures on profit margins and uncertainty surrounding how business will evolve. This, in turn, makes it very difficult for companies—or any other entity pursuing long-term survival or success—to invest in an innovative business model without risking significant consequences if their efforts fail.
There are no hard and fast rules for developing an effective business model innovation strategy. But there are some broad guidelines that companies can use as they consider what changes might be necessary, when it makes sense to initiate those changes, and how a company might best navigate such a process.

Here we will explore 5 steps in detail.
1.  Determine objectives and strategic approach to innovation
Before you start planning how to innovate, you first need to understand your business’s objectives. For example, is your company seeking growth or profitability? Do you want clients’ purchasing behavior patterns altered? Once you answer these questions, it will be easier for you and your business team to determine a strategic approach that works best for your organization.

2.  Know Your Market: Customers and Competitors
Start with your market. Who will be using your product or service? Are you creating something that is needed? Who are you trying to attract as customers, and what do they want?
Researching your market is an important first step in a business model innovation strategy. It ensures that you’re actually meeting a need for a group of customers and not just adding another product into an already saturated industry.

3.  Define Your Value Proposition
Before embarking on a new venture, entrepreneurs need to figure out what problem they’re solving, who they’re solving it for, and how their product will address that concern. These factors—what we call your value proposition—define your business model. Consider them carefully before you get too far into development; changes are much easier to make early in your business plan than later.
Take the time now to examine each part of your proposed solution. For example, are you targeting enterprise or customer users? Who is most likely to use your service or product? How do you position yourself against competitors? Be honest in answering these questions, as they’ll ultimately help define who buys from you and why.

4.  Assess and Develop Your Core Capabilities
Every company has a core competency that is crucial to its success. McDonald’s, for example, is great at marketing burgers and fries. Apple’s got innovation down to a science. To identify your core capabilities, start by surveying customers about what they value most from your brand.

5.  Establish Your Innovation Techniques and Systems

Whether you need to scale up an existing innovation process or create a new one from scratch, it’s important to know how each aspect of your innovation system fits together. For example, when taking on new problems and opportunities, you need not only tools that help you shape and define concepts but also ones that help you systematically choose between them.
And while execution tools should make it easier for teams to run their projects day-to-day and keep everything on track and within budget. But none of these systems will work without data: information about what’s working (and what isn’t) throughout your innovation process—which is why we put so much focus on providing insights into project progress and team performance.

The Role of Business Model in Strategic Management

Business model is a term used in business management. It refers to the logic of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value. This logic describes how an organization will use available resources in order to create products or services that it can offer to its customers.
The business model focuses on the inner functioning of a firm, unlike its competitors, which more directly affect competition with their business strategies (as opposed to their overall business models). For example, Walmart's original business model focused on selling brand-name merchandise at discount prices. 

 Characteristics of Business Model Innovation

Starting a business involves taking risks, but there are ways to mitigate those risks. One of them is by testing new business models. In fact, a good way to spot opportunities in an industry that may seem stagnant is by looking for trends in business model innovation. It’s an approach that requires careful observation. Adopting or creating a new business model isn’t as simple as it sounds, so make sure you know what you’re getting into before starting down this path. Here’s a primer on how to be innovative with your business model and take advantage of growth opportunities along the way.
If you want to increase revenue without growing your costs, then one viable solution is to get more customers while keeping customer acquisition costs (CAC) low. Testing out different business models based on your value proposition can help lower CAC because it allows you to figure out exactly what makes people buy from you versus your competitors—and if they aren’t aware of these benefits, finding new ways to promote them is a great place to start. Here are few steps you can take when trying to innovate your business model:

Figure Out How You Make Money Today:

To innovate your business model, you first need to understand how your current one works. By writing down all of your expenses and listing all possible revenue streams—including any hidden ones like account receivables or regulatory licenses—you should gain some clarity around where most of your money comes from and why that might be.
This will allow you to evaluate which parts of it are important or not so vital once new options present themselves. For example, if most of our sales come through word-of-mouth advertising rather than direct marketing efforts, then we have room for improvement there since we could attract more potential clients through promotional activities.

Think About What Kind of Value You Deliver:

At its core, every business is just selling something. No matter what industry you're in or what niche you operate within, there's always some tangible product or service being sold. Finding out exactly what people pay for when using your product/service will clarify for you whether your customers care about price or other factors such as quality and timeliness.

Consider Pricing Differently:

A big part of figuring out how to profitably grow your business is by setting the right prices at each step along your supply chain--specifically between yourself and whomever buys directly from you afterward. And even though every business has a different value proposition, there are still some basic pricing principles that apply across almost all industries and use cases.
One of them is value-based pricing (VBP), which aims to create better alignment with your customers around what they think they should be paying for certain products or services. This approach asks two key questions: What am I offering? What do customers in my industry typically pay for it? And then using those answers, it calculates a price that covers costs while also delivering enough value to make people willing to pay up—in other words, it’s based on actual demand rather than guesswork or gut instinct about what people will probably buy. The final calculation takes into account market prices and how much extra people are willing to pay over those standards; using customer surveys can help here if you want more specific data.
The main goal here is to avoid misleading customers who won't be happy once their purchase arrives and makes less of an impact than promised--or worse, disappoints completely. Ultimately, VBP shouldn't just allow you to more accurately calculate costs; by knowing upfront exactly how much money you need from each customer order, it can also help you minimize risks associated with wrong orders and increase focus on profitable orders instead.

What is Business Strategy?

Before we can learn about innovation strategy, it’s important to understand what exactly business strategy is. In short, business strategy is a plan or set of plans designed with one goal in mind: driving growth. That growth could come from increased market share, improved margins, or new products and services—or all of those things—but it all comes back to what’s called competitive advantage. If you want your business to grow over time, you have to be able to outperform your competitors.

Innovation Strategy vs. Evolutionary Strategy

The Difference Between Innovation and Evolutionary Strategies: While many businesses like to think of themselves as innovative, it is important to recognize that some business strategies will be more innovative than others. In order for a strategy to be considered truly innovative, there must be substantial differences between current activities and future activities in one or more of three key areas: business structure; operating model; or culture.

4 Innovation Strategies

The business model innovation strategy is a strategy that encompasses two essential elements – differentiation and integration.
Differentiation refers to providing added value for customers and one’s competitors. This does not necessarily mean coming up with unique products, but introducing new value dimensions in existing offerings as well.
The second element of business model innovation strategy is integration, which means integrating different parts of an organization and combining them together in order to find innovative solutions for customer problems. Both these elements require a strategic approach to innovation.  It’s important that your company has enough flexibility that it can accommodate changes in demand due to new market opportunities or competition from other companies.
Businesses have also found success using incremental improvement as part of their business model innovation strategy as well. This involves improving one’s offering gradually over time by making it more attractive or easier to use based on customers’ feedback.


Innovation strategy is one of the most important things that companies must implement in order to be successful. Through business model innovation strategy, you will be able to create a new and sustainable competitive advantage over other businesses. It takes effort and leadership abilities to be able to execute on innovative strategies. Companies should always be looking for ways they can make themselves stand out from their competitors; through innovation strategy, they can do just that.

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